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I’ve been with LEM for 15 years: my working experience within the LEM INDUSTRIES SPA Group is marked by continuous growth in technical and chemical fields and currently also in terms of commercial aspects in search of constant improvement – due largely to instruments and opportunities at hand, bound by passion and dedication which we all apply in the things we do. The concept of teamwork is fundamental, more so today than ever before. The individual wins you the game, but the team nets you the championship. I am grateful to this Group for having given me this opportunity.
Andrea SenesiTechnical Head of Quality and Manager, XRF Measurement Division - LEM 
My working career within the Group has been characterised by new and continuous learning experiences, from wanting to improve my abilities to being curious about the constantly evolving work processes. The path ahead will be approached with even more curiosity.
Marta CaldiMaster of Works and Head of Division – SPAXIO22, X-PLATING 
I began my job at LEM after having acquired experience in other sectors. The career I’ve undertaken at LEM has allowed me, from the outset, to gain in what distinguishes a company like many others, from one which is a cut above.
Andrea BoncianiQuality Representative – INCOMING, LEM 
Being part of the Group means navigating, as one, towards a common objective, where there’s exponential growth to tackle daily challenges with the spirit of a strong and cohesive group. My working experience leads me to see beyond, with curiosity, in trying to improve even the smallest details in order to be able to always best respond to the needs of the client.
Chiara OrnaniHead of Quality – DELUXE BRASS