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LEM INDUSTRIES Group achieves the Fair Wage certification


The LEM INDUSTRIES Group has been recognised with the important and significant ‘Fair Wage Certification’, promoted by the National Chamber of Italian Fashion in the Report on Social Sustainability, which examines in depth the wage and working conditions within the Italian luxury fashion supply chain.
This is the first time in the world of luxury that such a strategy has been implemented, and it is intended to be a starting point to enhance the prestigious ‘Made in Italy’ all over the world. In particular also to raise awareness among companies and big brands on the rights and conditions of workers in this sector. The project involves Italian luxury brands such as Armani, Gucci, Moncler and Valentino, who set up a round table to identify the fundamentals to be involved.
There are twelve factors that led to the assignment of the Fair Wage Certification. These range from the payment system with which the company operates, to the timing of the operations, up to and involving the sphere of family needs in relation to the market.

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